








/* Each entry in the listpack is either a string or an integer. */
typedef struct {
    /* When string is used, it is provided with the length (slen). */
    unsigned char *sval;
    uint32_t slen;
    /* When integer is used, 'sval' is NULL, and lval holds the value. */
    long long lval;
} listpackEntry;

listpackEntry中的改进 :

  1. 当存储的为字符串,那么lsentry的sval不为空,slen记录大小。
  2. 当存储的为整形,那么lval记录整型,sval字段为空


unsigned char *lpNew(size_t capacity) {
    unsigned char *lp = lp_malloc(capacity > LP_HDR_SIZE+1 ? capacity : LP_HDR_SIZE+1);
    if (lp == NULL) return NULL;
    lp[LP_HDR_SIZE] = LP_EOF;
    return lp;


#define LP_HDR_SIZE 6       /* 32 bit total len + 16 bit number of elements. */
#define LP_EOF 0xFF

可以看出,hdr中长度为6字节,申请堆内存时共申请LP_HDR_SIZE +1,4字节用来记录totalLen,2字节用来记录元素的个数,+1的一个字节用来标识end,end也恒为0xFF


unsigned char *lpInsert(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *elestr, unsigned char *eleint,
                        uint32_t size, unsigned char *p, int where, unsigned char **newp)
    //#define LP_MAX_INT_ENCODING_LEN 9 
    unsigned char intenc[LP_MAX_INT_ENCODING_LEN];
    //#define LP_MAX_BACKLEN_SIZE 5
    unsigned char backlen[LP_MAX_BACKLEN_SIZE];

    uint64_t enclen; /* The length of the encoded element. */
    int delete = (elestr == NULL && eleint == NULL);

    /* when deletion, it is conceptually replacing the element with a
     * zero-length element. So whatever we get passed as 'where', set
     * it to LP_REPLACE. */
    //在lp中,删除并非为真正的删除,而是用 zero-length element替换掉需删除的entry,在这里根据delete字段判断,假如不传elestr和eleint,那么就是替换操作。
    if (delete) where = LP_REPLACE;

    /* If we need to insert after the current element, we just jump to the
     * next element (that could be the EOF one) and handle the case of
     * inserting before. So the function will actually deal with just two
     * cases: LP_BEFORE and LP_REPLACE. */
    if (where == LP_AFTER) {
        p = lpSkip(p);
        where = LP_BEFORE;
        ASSERT_INTEGRITY(lp, p);

    /* Store the offset of the element 'p', so that we can obtain its
     * address again after a reallocation. */
    unsigned long poff = p-lp;

    int enctype;
    if (elestr) {
        /* Calling lpEncodeGetType() results into the encoded version of the
        * element to be stored into 'intenc' in case it is representable as
        * an integer: in that case, the function returns LP_ENCODING_INT.
        * Otherwise if LP_ENCODING_STR is returned, we'll have to call
        * lpEncodeString() to actually write the encoded string on place later.
        * Whatever the returned encoding is, 'enclen' is populated with the
        * length of the encoded element. */
        enctype = lpEncodeGetType(elestr,size,intenc,&enclen);
        if (enctype == LP_ENCODING_INT) eleint = intenc;
    } else if (eleint) {
        enctype = LP_ENCODING_INT;
        enclen = size; /* 'size' is the length of the encoded integer element. */
    } else {
        enctype = -1;
        enclen = 0;

    /* We need to also encode the backward-parsable length of the element
     * and append it to the end: this allows to traverse the listpack from
     * the end to the start. */
    unsigned long backlen_size = (!delete) ? lpEncodeBacklen(backlen,enclen) : 0;
    uint64_t old_listpack_bytes = lpGetTotalBytes(lp);
    uint32_t replaced_len  = 0;
    if (where == LP_REPLACE) {
        replaced_len = lpCurrentEncodedSizeUnsafe(p);
        replaced_len += lpEncodeBacklen(NULL,replaced_len);
        ASSERT_INTEGRITY_LEN(lp, p, replaced_len);
    uint64_t new_listpack_bytes = old_listpack_bytes + enclen + backlen_size
                                  - replaced_len;
    if (new_listpack_bytes > UINT32_MAX) return NULL;

    /* We now need to reallocate in order to make space or shrink the
     * allocation (in case 'when' value is LP_REPLACE and the new element is
     * smaller). However we do that before memmoving the memory to
     * make room for the new element if the final allocation will get
     * larger, or we do it after if the final allocation will get smaller. */
    unsigned char *dst = lp + poff; /* May be updated after reallocation. */

    /* Realloc before: we need more room. */
    if (new_listpack_bytes > old_listpack_bytes &&
        new_listpack_bytes > lp_malloc_size(lp)) {
        if ((lp = lp_realloc(lp,new_listpack_bytes)) == NULL) return NULL;
        dst = lp + poff;

    /* Setup the listpack relocating the elements to make the exact room
     * we need to store the new one. */
    if (where == LP_BEFORE) {
    } else { /* LP_REPLACE. */
        long lendiff = (enclen+backlen_size)-replaced_len;
    /* Realloc after: we need to free space. */
    if (new_listpack_bytes < old_listpack_bytes) {
        if ((lp = lp_realloc(lp,new_listpack_bytes)) == NULL) return NULL;
        dst = lp + poff;

    /* Store the entry. */
    if (newp) {
        *newp = dst;
        /* In case of deletion, set 'newp' to NULL if the next element is
         * the EOF element. */
        if (delete && dst[0] == LP_EOF) *newp = NULL;
    if (!delete) {
        if (enctype == LP_ENCODING_INT) {
        } else {
        dst += enclen;
        dst += backlen_size;
    /* Update header. */
    if (where != LP_REPLACE || delete) {
        uint32_t num_elements = lpGetNumElements(lp);
        if (num_elements != LP_HDR_NUMELE_UNKNOWN) {
            if (!delete)

#if 0
    /* This code path is normally disabled: what it does is to force listpack
     * to return *always* a new pointer after performing some modification to
     * the listpack, even if the previous allocation was enough. This is useful
     * in order to spot bugs in code using listpacks: by doing so we can find
     * if the caller forgets to set the new pointer where the listpack reference
     * is stored, after an update. */
    unsigned char *oldlp = lp;
    lp = lp_malloc(new_listpack_bytes);
    if (newp) {
        unsigned long offset = (*newp)-oldlp;
        *newp = lp + offset;
    /* Make sure the old allocation contains garbage. */

    return lp;



unsigned char *lpFind(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *p, unsigned char *s, 
                      uint32_t slen, unsigned int skip) {
    int skipcnt = 0;
    unsigned char vencoding = 0;
    unsigned char *value;
    int64_t ll, vll;
    uint64_t entry_size = 123456789; /* initialized to avoid warning. */
    uint32_t lp_bytes = lpBytes(lp);

    while (p) {
        if (skipcnt == 0) {
            value = lpGetWithSize(p, &ll, NULL, &entry_size);
            if (value) {
                if (slen == ll && memcmp(value, s, slen) == 0) {
                    return p;
            } else {
                /* Find out if the searched field can be encoded. Note that
                 * we do it only the first time, once done vencoding is set
                 * to non-zero and vll is set to the integer value. */
                if (vencoding == 0) {
                    /* If the entry can be encoded as integer we set it to
                     * 1, else set it to UCHAR_MAX, so that we don't retry
                     * again the next time. */
                    if (slen >= 32 || slen == 0 || !lpStringToInt64((const char*)s, slen, &vll)) {
                        vencoding = UCHAR_MAX;
                    } else {
                        vencoding = 1;

                /* Compare current entry with specified entry, do it only
                 * if vencoding != UCHAR_MAX because if there is no encoding
                 * possible for the field it can't be a valid integer. */
                if (vencoding != UCHAR_MAX && ll == vll) {
                    return p;

            /* Reset skip count */
            skipcnt = skip;
            p += entry_size;
        } else {
            /* Skip entry */

            /* Move to next entry, avoid use `lpNext` due to `ASSERT_INTEGRITY` in
            * `lpNext` will call `lpBytes`, will cause performance degradation */
            p = lpSkip(p);

        assert(p >= lp + LP_HDR_SIZE && p < lp + lp_bytes);
        if (p[0] == LP_EOF) break;

    return NULL;



  1. 从listpack自身来讲,把增删改统一成新增与修改两种模式,统一在lpinsert函数中实现,为listpack中的特色,redis其他数据结构并没有用到。而listpack的查找,从设计上来说,只能遍历,目前也看不到更好的优化。
  2. 与ziplist做对比的话,牺牲了内存使用率,避免了连锁更新的情况。从代码复杂度上看,listpack相对ziplist简单很多,再把增删改统一做处理,从listpack的代码实现上看,极简且高效。
  3. 从5中率先在streams中引入listpack,直到6后作为t_hash御用底层数据结构,redis应该是发现极致的内存使用远远不如提高redis的处理性能。也能看出来从redis08年出现到如今内存的普及与价格下降,各个平台qps的显著提高趋势。
  4. 从这里也可以猜到redis之后的优化趋势,将是淡化极致的内存使用率,向更快的方向发力。不过较为可惜的是,可能不会再出现堪称‘奇技淫巧’的类似ziplist,hyperloglog等复杂的代码了。